We are proud to announce we have gone LIVE with our latest release!
This release consists of 11 issues that are fixing and improving the usability of the system. We are currently shortening our release speed as we fix and improve critical aspects for our users. We hope all users will find the new features usable. We keep on developing the AirFaas platform highly prioritizing our dear users’ feedback and discussions we have had.
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Sales Invoice form
- We added
and Invoice number
references into the Action Bar for an easier view of what document you are working on.
Sales Shipment COS function
- We added the
Cost of Sales
to be seen in the cost checker as an estimate prior to approving the shipment, and actual after approving the shipment. We also added COS to the Sales Invoice report.
Linked Items
- We Improved the linked items data view, so you see Invoice references also in the linked items.
- Shipped data report – We improved the filter to show separately: All, Invoiced, Shipped – not approved, shipped – approved.
- Invoice data report – We added COS to the Sales Invoice report.
- Product report – We improved the references in the product report transactions.
- Intrastat – We added Raw data excel export for the Intrastat reporting.
Project RFQ/Quote comparison
- Comparing quotes – We fixed issue so you can download and compare prices for parts with
(dot) within the part code.
- Order from Quote – Creating SO or PO from Approved Quote takes you now to pre-filled order form. Instead of automatically creating and sending a new Order, please remember to check details and save the order for it to become a transaction.
Packing list Order Number Font size increase
- We added into SO/PO pack list and Shipment/Receipt pack lists a
bigger font line
of the order numbers, so your friends at the warehouse have the needed information when printed