Our business is the production of Hydraulic cylinders and components, also general machining (production of different types of parts and consumables).
Our primary ambition is to get one of our products on the market to grow in volume and gain a larger market share.
The biggest challenge is the lack of good personal, unstable electric power cost, also the global impact caused by COVID.
Yes, we have been affected by the unnaturally overheated market in supply – prices are unpredictable especially for raw materials. The delivery accuracy of raw material is also questionable, and as everything is in a determining state, our sales side is impacted. Our clients use our product only as one of their components, if they are not getting most of their needs covered, they are late with their shipments, which impacts us financially.
Yes, it is so. It helps you make the right choice, by having things like simple KPI tools, automated mail notification, and information exchange. Still, at present, most of our suppliers are not using AirFaas, so it is in a way a double work. However, the transparency is great, decision-making easy, and it makes procurement fast!
Keeping track of records, helping to identify possible delays prior to them happening, as we are depending on supply and production planning.
My family is Nr 1 on this list, I also adore movies, motorcycle riding, and love traveling seeing new places and cultures.