You can spend too much time finding up-to-date info on the status of RFQs, POs, shipments, and nonconformities. AirFaas gives you all the data on 1-page, with simple traffic lights and color codes that ensure you’re alerted to potential issues in time to act.
Get instant access to sales, purchase, quality, customer, supplier, user, product, profitability and sustainability preset reports. Present straight from the system or download PDFs with data and graphs.
Go 1-step deeper and view historical reports, customizable to specific time periods and criteria. Export data for even further analysis in Excel.
Instant access to the most important performance data, such as delivery and quality. Analyze the performance of your suppliers alongside your performance to customers for the previous 1, 3, 6, or 12 months.
The company and user feeds give you quick links into transactions conducted chronologically. So you’re always aware of what happened and when!